Sunday, July 17, 2011

Got to talk to my brother today - super yeah!!!!! :D

Any way had some awesome ministry time at the park yesterday (flash mob!!!!!). Did all our program (dances and dramas) had lots of people respond. Danced at church this morning. We leave ternopil on wednesday ;( on to kiev. ministry plans changed for Kieve, no more friendship camp. More later :) thanks for your prayers

Friday, July 15, 2011

Doing a flash mob tonight and tomorrow night in the park :) super excited for that. Set up a "coffeehouse" in the hotel ballroom and had youth from around the city come for a night of music and testimonies last night. Had some nice rest time and yesterday. Meet an awesome Canadian last week who hung out with us some and might come do flash mob with us tonight (we have been teaching youth from the church the dance so our flash mob will be a team of about 60 dancers). God has really been blessing our ministry and as a team we have had some amazing prayer and worship times.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Dont have time to post a whole lot today, but wanted to check in. Led two people to Christ yesterday at the bus station. plans for Kiev are changing like crazy. staying flexible. pray that the team would have energy and rely on the joy of the Lord to be our strength.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Real Ministry Day

Yesterday was supposed to be a ministry day but the rain kept my half of the team from doing the planned street evangelism. We were able to do street evangelism today with a local youth group. Had lots of fun and danced in the rain. :D Passed out gospel coins in the local language in between dances. Had some amazing worship and prayer time last night as a team. Please pray for health for the team, some people aren't feeling well and a couple have crazy amounts of mosquito bites. Overall everything is going well. Lots of rain. About 60 attending the daily English camp that half the team is presenting, the other half of the team is doing street evangelism every morning and a human trafficking presentation where ever opportunity allows. Keep us in your prayers :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2nd day in Ukraine

2nd day, still practicing boot camp stuff (practicing dramas and dances). first night of worship in Ukraine was last night :) First day of ministry will be tomorrow (english camp, street evangelism, etc..). Thank you for your prayers. Dont have a whole lot of new info.....

Monday, July 4, 2011

In Ukraine

We traveled for about two days. Flew from El Paso to Chicago, Chicago to Charlotte NC, Charlotte to Munich and finally Munich to Kiev - the capital of Ukraine. We then waited in a train station in Kiev for about five hourse before catching a train to Ternopil. We arrived in Ternopil at about 5:00 am local time. Got to our hotel and rested for a couple hourse before practicing our outreach dramas then having lunch at the YWAM base. It doesn't really feel like fourth of july.
We are all tired but safe. Please pray that the team would have patience with each other.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Leaving :)

We leave tomorrow morning! Eight of the 36 will be on a seperate flight that leaves at 6:00 am (I am apart of this first team). The rest of the team will leave closer to noon. Im so excited, I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us.
During bootcamp this past week we learned 3 of our 4 songs and we started on the dramas. We will continue to perfect those once we are in Ukraine.
Internet acess will be limited in Ukraine, but I will try to post as much as I can. Please keep the team in your prayers.

Some Specific Prayer Requests:
- Please prayer that the weather would not ruin the plans for several outdoor events.
- Pray for unity in the team, that we would operate as a family.
- Also pray for safety.